See it with our own eyes / Ray Ball 


I myself have sailed

over the roundness of the world,

over that illusory void

measuring its boundaries and limits.

If it bends.


The moon alone to serve

faithful witness for it darkens

surrounded on all sides.

It is fullness.

Night is nothing but shadow.


What is contained

is not more durable

than the container.

Shining and resplendent.

Insistently diaphanous.


There will be no need

to question this again.


Ray Ball, Ph.D., is history professor at the University of Alaska Anchorage. When not in the classroom or the archives, she enjoys running marathons and spending time with her spouse Mark and beagle Bailey. She is the author of two history books and her creative work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Breadcrumbs Mag, L'Éphémère Review, and The Cabinet of Heed. She tweets @ProfessorBall