

I hoped today would be my last

Day singing - sadness

God, I planned for silence; a

Blessed day of quiet


But it's strange and loud

This day - unnecessary

Clicks, twitches

I grow nothing;

Use up everything


Since it's not the last day

Of my life - oddly, says I  -

Cringe worthy, grimy

Meter fashioned from a

Barbed A-sharp. Lonesome -


I have to witness the minimum

Of living - what one does to breathe

At times - simply shocking. How

Nothing becomes a song.

Elisabeth Horan is an imperfect creature from Vermont advocating for animals, children and those suffering alone and in pain - especially those ostracized by disability and mental illness. 

She is Editor in Chief at Animal Heart Press, and Co-Editor at Ice Floe Press. She has several chaps and collections out at Bone & Ink Press, Fly on the Wall Press, Cephalo Press, and Animal Heart Press. Her newest collection, Just to the Right of the Stove, is forthcoming at TwistIt Press, Feb. 2020. 

Follow her @ehoranpoet  &