Fig Tree
Fig tree,
Forgive us for
your branches
that they won't
obstruct our
a blue jay, a green hummingbird with a red head, a squirrel underneath
your branches
in the mud
they eat Light
does not come from the January
Light comes from the bamboo and the witch hazel sleeps.
small glassy raindrops
from branches I want to see
high and
in all
Lucie Bonvalet writes: “I am a writer, a visual artist and a teacher. My writing (fiction and nonfiction) can be found in Jellyfish Review, Puerto Del Sol, Michigan Quarterly Review, Entropy, 3AM, Fugue, Oregon Humanities, Catapult, Cosmonauts Avenue, Hobart, Word Riot, and Shirley Magazine. My drawings and paintings can be found in Old Pal magazine and on instagram.”