clear pvc

You hope it will make you transparent


Plastic taught nipple and protruding heart


There’s a sweat

A leeching of toxins between that

Saran wrap sheet of nothing


Smoke and mirrors on scared body

Director of your own cling film

Terrified at a zipper caught in pubic hair

Or public displays of vulnerability


There is a world of hurt between you and that

Clear PVC

Sticky and sacrosanct

Just big enough to wedge a finger

A word

A dollar bill




Jenna Velez is a queer poet of color from suburban Philadelphia. She has been published in Wyrd and Wyse, Philosophical Idiot, Tiny Flames Press and more. She is a contributor for Vessel Press, Rose Quartz Journal, and Pussy Magic Press. She is also a reader for Awkward Mermaid. She tweets @northernbruja and can be found at