0. aphasia, n.
Etymology: modern Latin, <Greek ἀϕασία, n. of quality < ἄϕατος speechless, < ἀ priv.+ ϕά-ναι to
speak (compare ϕάσ-ις speech).
Pathol. Loss of speech, partial or total, or loss of power to understand written or spoken language,
as a result of disorder of the cerebral speech centers.
On the phone you
are failing
the Turing test.
In the static
I hear the stasis
of your tongue.
Bad daughter that I am,
I did not think of you
once today. I didn’t think
of the bump beneath your hair
where the shunt crosses
the skin of your brain.
I didn’t hear the echo
of your broken voice
over my thoughts as I read.
I didn’t wonder
how long it takes you
to climb the split-level stairs
of our family house, whether
you are trapped inside
so you can stay
safe. I didn’t imagine
your neurons throwing
their electrical arcs
into walls of dead matter.
I didn’t feel my hand
cramp in anticipation
of the forms I will sign
sooner than I can face:
didn’t picture the sterile light
of a hospital room
we will decorate, not knowing
if you can notice
such things.
I forgot you
today, for hours,
and my own skull
felt clear and ordered,
a clock with no hands.
You bought my first dictionary
from a dusty bookshop so
I could go to college camp,
the island of misfit teens.
In my room I unwrapped
the plastic and markered my name
on the inside cover.
I didn’t know then
what your gift would unlock,
the secret world of words
and their birth pangs.
I traced the dialects
snaking across the map
of North America; I climbed
each branch of the linguistic tree;
I arrowed back in time
to Proto -Indo -European,
the hidden names of names.
Yours: Barbara: from the Greek,
Barbaros, a barbarian,
a stranger who cannot speak.
Laura Passin is a writer, scholar, and feminist at large. She earned her PhD in English Literature at Northwestern and her MFA in Creative Writing at the University of Oregon. Her writing has appeared in a wide range of publications, including Prairie Schooner, Adrienne: A Poetry Journal of Queer Women, The Toast, Rolling Stone, Electric Literature, and Best New Poets 2013. Laura lives in Denver with too many pets.